It is with great pleasure that I write my first entry into our parish bulletin. At the outset I wish to thank everyone for your good wishes, love and prayers as I was instituted into to the parish here on the beautiful North Coast. My husband Mark and I continue to be overwhelmed by the love, support and warm welcome we received from so many in the parish and community.

There is no doubt that it has been a very active few weeks, but I feel so blessed to be here and to serve you and work alongside you. As our paths cross in the weeks and months ahead I am looking forward to building relationships that will grow and last.

There have been lots of changes in our lives over the past two months and we are settling in so well. We do not miss the bustle of Lisburn, when at times it took 10 minutes to get out of the street where we lived. Now we only wait for the train to cross the railway. Of course we were blessed to have had over 3 amazing years with people who loved us deeply. I am the person I am because of what God has done and how experience and people have moulded and shaped my life, so for all of us our past is important and significant.

The North Coast is so different, so breathtakingly beautiful. The people are warm and friendly, willing to help and engage in a wonderful and lovely way. We are getting used to trains run at the back of the rectory, to the sea crash and the clock ringing lots and lots and lots….

There are many challenges as I discover the areas needing attention. My prayer is that we will be a people who are equipped with all the tools necessary to live authentic Christian lives and to reach out as the early church did, holding all things in common.

When the church worked together, the place exploded and people became Christians. I am reading a book by John Ortberg entitled: If you want to walk on water you’ve got to get out of the boat. It is essentially about the Apostle Peter. I will be sharing a little bit of this book in the weeks ahead, but for now we are each invited on a more significant walk with Jesus. Please get involved in the events organised, make more effort to talk to people and get to know them.

I am so grateful to the ministry team we have and for their commitment and willingness to move forward, their loyalty, compassion, friendship and love.

Many of you, I have already visited in your homes, thank you for your warm welcome. For others I have yet to see I will be around please be patient as I make my way around. Remember you can talk to me. I am here for you and it is my prayer and desire that we will all sense the love and support of God’s family. If anyone needs a visit from me for any reason please inform me.

With love and prayers


“It was Peters willingness to risk failure that helped him to grow”.

If You Want To Walk On Water You’ve Got To Get Out Of The Boat.

by John Ortberg Zondervan  pg24

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