New life starts here. When we think of icons of Summer we may think of many things from music to food and so on. When it’s really warm I really enjoy something I rarely have, which is a cold fizzy glass of coca cola. It makes my eyes water.
The difference between coca cola that is chilled & fizzy, and a glass that is flat & warm, is so dramatic. Flat coca cola is good for very little except if you are unfortunate to have a funny tummy – this is not a nice association.
God intended our lives to full of spark, passion and joy, but actually lots of people
(especially when we move into adulthood) discover life has gone worryingly stale and flat. Or perhaps we had big dreams and hopes, but what we have ended up with is something that disappoints. There may even be nasty things floating around in it that we would rather not talk about!
Jesus really did say that he came to give life and life in all its fullness. “Life in all its fullness” – this would be an brilliant advertising slogan for a sparkling chilled coca cola.
So Summer, with all its brightness, gives us an opportunity to take a good look at our lives. If life is like a flat coca cola, how do we get back to the way it was meant to be?
The Gospel is good news. Not only can we have our lives cleaned up inside, but a whole new way of life is open to us.
Lots of us know that our lives are sluggish as a result of being flat. It is easy to become at ease with the stuff that is wrong in our lives, and yet we are robbing ourselves of true life. God’s Kingdom is where living is tough and challenging, but also exciting and rewarding because God is in charge.
May you have a restful, joyful, memory making summer with love from the Rectory.
May the road rise up to meet you; may the wind be always at your back; the sunshine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields; and until we meet again, may God hold your in the palm of His hand.