O lord, let my soul rise up to meet you as the day rises to meet the sun.
The six weeks of Lent have traditionally been a time to remember the heart of the Christian faith: the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, the Son Of God.
Lent is often misunderstood in our culture and portrayed as a pretty miserable and pointless time of the year when it is felt that fun things should be given up and long faces worn.
Yet, for a world that is waking up to the need to de-clutter our lives and detox our bodies Lent is just what we need.
This Lent is a fresh and wonderful opportunity to re-evaluate every part of our lives. At its best it can be a God-given space, a retreat from the destructive and distracting habits that we maybe don’t realise we have been living with.
This season is more than a competition to see who can get to the end of these 40 days without giving in. This is time given to get back on track with what is important, to spring clean unhealthy habits and attitudes that have crept into all our lives, to take up and lay down.
Lent is not a mystery with no guide posts along the way. We begin Lent 2015 wherever we are with God. For some of us that is farther away than we want to be. We join with others in our journey this Lent to something really life changing, week by week being drawn back into a relationship with Jesus.
Take time to read the gospels, read and encounter Jesus the one who encountered the heartbreak of betrayal, death and what
appeared on the surface to be failure. As we travel through Lent may God be uniquely present, may we be more open to Him than before and may we be serious about our need of change. May our soul rise up to meet Him.
Bless you this Lent, Holy Week and Easter, the Rectory family