It seems a very long time since writing in the Parish Bulletin and it is. So much has happened since the last issue. It has been a very hard few weeks in the life of this little community as it comes to terms with the tragedy in the death of the two young men Aaron Davidson and Neil McFerran and their grieving family, and young Matthew whose life can never truly be the same again. Please continue to pray for these families in their deep loss and their journey into the days ahead.
No one knows what tomorrow brings and life is so precious yet we can easily waste it. Resting and relaxing is not wasting time it is part of God’s intention. However we do waste time on pursuits we know don’t give meaning and hope.
It is easy to forget how blessed we are in that we have been given our very breath. It is also common for us to go on without saying thank you God.
We move into the next season of church life and I pray that we will be able to lean on God more that we will see Him at work in the little details of our life and Parish. This edition of the Magazine includes much information about things starting back up and the busy life of our Parish and community kicking into gear again. Please don’t work in your own strength, but allow God to strengthen you as he is with you in the journey.
None of us know about tomorrow but God does so we trust Him. Thank you for your love, support and presence and be encouraged as we go into to a new chapter with new challenges and new blessings in Parish Life.
With love and prayers