How easily do you get frustrated?
I have been working on the computer for the last hour repeating stuff I thought I had saved but cannot find. And then I keep making typing errors and numerous other silly mistakes. I can understand the old Word 97 better than the new version but I suppose it is teaching me patience!!!
But I have little to worry about because as I write this wee article I keep seeing pictures of the Tsunami and earthquake damage in Japan flooding into my mind. The world seems a much smaller place nowadays with instant communication, and should make us realise how fortunate we are to live in this corner of God’s kingdom. But then small frustrations creep in and we forget all about others.
Over this Lent period it is good for us to look beyond ourselves and consider how we can best help those around us who are struggling with money, relationships, work – or lack of it, and many other issues. We cannot solve all the problems of the world, but maybe we can help a friend or a neighbour by doing or saying something encouraging. It is also a good time to reflect on what really matters in life. God makes it clear in his word what really matters – our relationship with him, and our relationships with those around us. In other words, love God and love your neighbour! So as Easter approaches and the winter gives way to Spring, maybe it is time for a good old spring clean of our hearts and minds. If we allow God’s Spirit to dwell in us and guide us, and look to his word for help then I have no doubt we will see things much more clearly.
If you want reassurance that the world is in good hands, look no further than the foot of the cross. Jesus is there, and then go to the empty tomb and recognise the truth that we are loved because Jesus is alive. Things go wrong in this world, but our God knows better than anyone what we need. May we all find peace in the knowledge that Jesus loves us and that our true security lies in accepting his love for ourselves.
Happy Easter!