Do you ever wish you were God?

Imagine being able to control the weather, ensuring lovely sunshine every day. Imagine taking away all the sickness and keeping everybody healthy. Imagine ending all the wars and natural disasters and keeping everyone happy and contented. Imagine life in the garden of Eden before Adam and Eve messed things up!

But imagine a world with no sickness or death, no disasters or wars, no worries about the weather! And now imagine where we would all live, how we could produce enough food for a population growing rapidly all the time, getting the balance right between sun and rain to satisfy everybody. Imagine the problems with a lack of space and getting worse all the time.

Do you really wish you were God?

The more I think about it the more convinced I become that God really is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-present. The world is so complex yet every detail works. The seasons bring rain and sunshine, heat and cold, everything we need to supply our needs. We live for a short time here on earth before going ‘home’ to spend eternity in heaven which has limitless room and we won’t need food! God really does know best and yet how often do we think that we know best.

As summer draws to a close and the autumn season brings new beginnings, may we learn to appreciate the beauty of our world and the God who made it. Enjoy the seasons whatever they bring and seek to radiate the love of Christ to a world crying out for certainty. I am certain that God knows best and so I will gladly rely on him.

“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.”

God bless
