A lot has happened since I last sat down to write my wee piece for the Bulletin. Sarah has been well now for a whole month and just back from a rock festival! Nott’s Forest were not relegated as I thought they would be and the domestic football season is over. Ireland are doing well at the cricket and Murray mania is spreading in the tennis.

On a sad note, my mum passed away (peacefully) in April after a short illness. She really was a wonderful mum and role model and my brothers and sister have a lot to be thankful for.

I suppose we often don’t fully appreciate what we have until we lose it. Saturday’s are now different without that journey to Lisburn. Marlyn and I are determined to use the time wisely to help us enrich our marriage and our time together, just as mum so enriched our lives. I hope we succeed.

In the church, Diane and Mark are settling in well and we are really blessed to have them. Just don’t tell them I said so! Well actually, do tell them. Be like Timothy in the bible and be an encourager. It is so easy to knock people down, but much more rewarding to build them up.

We are the body of Christ and if one part suffers we all suffer to some extent. As one body we all have different roles and gifts to use within the Church and the community. Diane is the rector and her task as team leader is to guide, lead, encourage, and delegate. We need to support and help her as team players, and use our gifts to spread the love of Christ into our Church family and the wider community.

In our Diocese we have the aim of Transforming our Communities and Radiating Christ. A wonderful goal that needs all of us. May we use our gifts, our time, and our possessions wisely.

Have a good holiday!!!

God bless.
